Áurea Praga

Joalheira portuguesa, desenvolvendo trabalho na vertente contemporânea desta área.
Pós-graduada na ESAD, concluiu a sua tese de Mestrado em 2012.
Ex-professora da licenciatura da ESAD e Coordenadora do Departamento de Joalharia de 2016 a 2018.
Professora na Algures - Escola de Joalharia Contemporânea.
O seu trabalho é representado por galerias nacionais e internacionais e tem sido exposto em vários eventos como New York Jewellery Week, Munich Jewellery Week, Lisbon Jewellery Biennial, Romanian Jewellery Week, entre outros.

Portuguese jewellery maker, developing work in the contemporary strand of this field.
Graduated by ESAD, finished her Master's thesis in 2012.
Former teacher in the BA at ESAD college and Head of the Jewellery Department from 2016 to 2018.
Teacher at Algures - School of Contemporary Jewellery.
Her work is represented by national and international galleries and has been exhibited in several events like New York Jewellery Week, Munich Jewellery Week, Lisbon Jewellery Biennial, Romanian Jewellery Week, among others.


Valentim Quaresma


Susana Gorjão